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venerdì 2 gennaio 2015

A New Blog: the 2010 Odyssey Archive

My friend and fellow blogger Jens, who maintains the great 2010 Odyssey Two Picture Archive, just launched another great site: the 2010 Odyssey Two Archive. The site collects and publishes articles, pictures, and related material about the 1984 movie 2010: The Year We Make Contact (the sequel to 2001) by director Peter Hyams.

As Jens seems to share the same obsession I have with 2001 - only, he has it with 2010 - his articles are very, very interesting, deep and thorough. If you, like me, feel that 2010 was a very good movie on its own, you'll find a lot of great stuff there.

2 commenti:

  1. Ti segnalo 2001 rimontato da Steven Soderbergh

    1. Già, stavo cercando di far finta di NON averne letto :-D
